Praying Together

Hi everyone,

It feels very important that during our time of vacancy we commit to praying together – individually, in our MSCs and at gatherings.  We already have some regular times of prayer:  9am prayer Monday to Wednesdays,  9am Communion each Sunday and the Up gathering on the fourth Sunday of each month.  We are also going to introduce a new time to pray at 7:30pm on the second Sunday of the month.  We are going to focus these prayer times on the 4 G’s, concentrating on one a month.

In November our focus will be: God is great so we don’t have to be in control.

It is important at the start of this time that we give it all over to God, trust him, ensure that it is what He wants rather than what we want.

So as leaders, in your communities, pray acknowledging that God is indeed great, hand over control to Him and let go of whatever we may need to let go of.

It is also important that in recognising that we are not in control, that we offer ourselves to God, remaining in His call and in His family, and offer ourselves to play whatever part He asks of us during this time.

We will gather on the 12th November at 7:30pm to pray and worship together focusing on this, but also please do pray in your communities, and on your own, so we remain close to Jesus throughout this whole process.

Remember, God is great so we don’t have to be in control.

Blessings, Andy Wilson