God’s promises point to God’s kingdom: Promise pt 3

God makes promises – among them a place, people and purpose.
Jesus talked and told stories about the Kingdom of God: a place where God was in charge; where people were sought and found; where there was no room for evil; where goodness, joy and safety were known. 

He told his followers in John 14 that he goes ahead to prepare a place or them.
He referred to his disciples as friends and family: my mother and brothers, my friends, my children.  In John 13 he calls them to love one another as he had loved them.
He gives his followers jobs and purpose: Go into all the world and make disciples (Matt 28), forgive sins (John 20), live as witnesses (Acts 1). 
As Jesus’ followers we are invited to live in anticipation of and seeking for these things.  To know that the full expression of our longings isn’t yet met.  To overlay our present ordinary lives: our homes, our relationships, our activity with the hope for a better future.
God is at work in our homes, but they are not the last word on God’s place for us.
God is active in our friends and family, but they are not the last word on God’s love for us.
God makes us fruitful on your frontlines, but they are not the last word on God’s purpose for us.
There is always more! We are encouraged to continue to live as treasure-seekers, exiles and pilgrims, promise bearers.  God’s commitments will be fulfilled. 

Holy God, you are faithful,
I trust in your promises.