Poetry and Prayer

Helen Brockelhurst has writtten a book of poetry and prayer. You can pick up a copy at Kairos gatherings.

Helen says: “I’ve been writing poetry for about 10 years, inspired by everyday life and faith and I’ve gathered a selection of my poems and prayers into a book. The suggested donation is £5 per book and proceeds will be given to support the work of Kairos two areas:

At The Feast in October, Ben spoke about loneliness in the younger generation and shared a vision for renovating the space at the end of Westcliffe Hall to make it a place of meeting and welcome for young people. There is still lots to do to make this a reality.

We are partnering with the charity A Rocha to learn how we can take practical steps to care for creation as a church. Some of the world’s poorest communities which contribute the least to carbon emissions are also those most negatively impacted by climate change. Working for climate justice is part of our discipleship and A Rocha exists to help churches and Christian communities put this into practice.”

“A smouldering wick he will not snuff out…” – Isaiah 42

The oil is consumed, the lamp burns low.
Bright, dancing flame becomes a flick’ring glow.
Exhausted, tiny, failing source of light
almost overpowered by the night
but its last efforts catch Compassion’s eye.
He refuels the lamp that has run dry
then cups his hand and breathes, life-giving breath
rekindling a light so close to death
Flame glows and flickers then begins to dance,
revived, renewed, receives another chance.
Compassion gives his breath, love, energy –
He sees not just what is but what could be.

Walk this way

Would you walk with me this way of grief and loss?
Deny yourself, each day take up your cross?
Would you see your own agenda laid aside?
Give up control, security and pride?
Would you sacrifice your comfort and success?
Lose yourself and break your heart for this world’s mess?
Would you give yourself for someone else’s gain
and open up your heart to hold their pain?
Would you walk this way though the world calls you a fool
for obedience to a different kind of Rule?
Would you trust my call and follow my direction?
Walk on through death by the power of resurrection
to a spacious place where new life is revealed.
You will be transformed and welcomed home and healed.